The Gentlemen Nerds

Browsing Category Toys

Podcast / Pop Culture / Toys

Ep 71. Wego for Mego

Those fabulous action figures from days gone by and days to come, the Gents talk about Megos and their effects upon the State of the Modern Action Figure.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 71. Wego for Mego
Games / Movies / Podcast / Toys

Ep 34. Lego Mi Amigo

The Gents discuss Legos, from the original basic bricks to the massive sets to the games and movies. Lego Aaron is created. Human Aaron not included.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 34. Lego Mi Amigo
Podcast / Toys

Ep 6. Toys From Under the Tree, Long Ago which the Gents discuss mostly obscure and forgotten favorite toys from yesteryear, complete with swallow-able parts and bizarre-but-fun “what were they thinking?” qualities. Batteries not included.


The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 6. Toys From Under the Tree, Long Ago