The Gentlemen Nerds

Posts tagged Batman

Comics / Movies / Podcast

Ep 14. B versus S versus G Post-Mortem

…in which the Gents manage to work Shakespeare, Darkseid, Picasso, Bond, Hercules, Bela Lugosi and Star Wars into their different opinions of Batman v Superman, and why it did or did not work. What makes a character, change of myths over time, the value of creative license, and fan reactions are all discussed. Marvel makes its way into the Coda Shawarma, of course. Heated arguments not included.


The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 14. B versus S versus G Post-Mortem
Comics / Movies / Podcast

Ep 11. World’s Finest – Batman v Superman v Gents

….in which the Gents take on the psych and morals of Supes and the Bat, the history in media of Wonder Woman and the guys, Aquaman’s day job and discuss what the heck you call the cinematic universe of DC…the CDC? Tasty, tasty shawarma included after the credits.


The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 11. World's Finest - Batman v Superman v Gents