There is but on Fandom, and it digs all things. So why the intra-culture hate? The Gents sit down and discuss, as the Marvel-DC war flares up again.

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There is but on Fandom, and it digs all things. So why the intra-culture hate? The Gents sit down and discuss, as the Marvel-DC war flares up again.
I lost the thread of superhero movies around the time of the Second AVENGERS, although I got a kick out BLACK PANTHER, WONDER WOMAN, and SHAZAM. But I’ve missed so much that it feels like work to catch back up. What would the gentlemen nerds recommend as the top five?
Also, while I agree with the long-tail ripple effects of the Adam West BATMAN, I have to say that the Adam West BATMAN helped me get through the pandemic hellscape year that was 2020, and the 2020 hellscape that extends into 2021. It was so fun, so funky, and so funny– plus, everybody is just waiting until they can bust up the stage. Good for what ails you!