The Gentlemen Nerds

Browsing Category Comics

Comics / Hollywood / Music / Podcast

Ep 77. The Unsnappening Part 2

The thrilling conclusion of the Gents’ deep-dive into a decade of MCU lore and the big-screen debut of Luck the Rat!

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 77. The Unsnappening Part 2
Comics / Hollywood / Movies

Ep 76. The Unsnappening Part 1

The Gents are back! After being snapped away by Thanos, the Gents triumphantly return with this massive 2-parter, almost as long as Avengers:Endgame itself!

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 76. The Unsnappening Part 1
Comics / Hollywood / Movies / Pop Culture / Sci-fi / Television

Ep 75. Giant-Size Stan Thing

In their blockbuster, Holofoil, die-cut 75th Spectacular Episode, the Gents pay tribute to the only icon of comics large enough for such a milestone: Stan Lee, architect of a million youths. ‘Nuff Said.


The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 75. Giant-Size Stan Thing


Comics / Podcast

Ep 69. Reflections on a Ditko

The Gents take up the bittersweet task of discussing the life and works of the recently-late Steve Ditko, and what that work has meant to comics and the world.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 69. Reflections on a Ditko


Comics / Hollywood / Movies / Podcast / Sci-fi

Ep 60. Wakanda Episode is This?

The Gents pay a visit to Wakanda to discuss the recent MCU outing, Black Panther. Unfortunately, the airline sent Joseph to Wisconsin instead of Wakanda (along with all of the luggage), so a jet-lagged Ben steps in.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 60. Wakanda Episode is This?
