The Gents venture back to Westeros to look into the storytelling, characters, and fast travel, as well as make predictions for next season. Bronn, Hound, and Gendry included.

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The Gents venture back to Westeros to look into the storytelling, characters, and fast travel, as well as make predictions for next season. Bronn, Hound, and Gendry included.
Mark, Aaron and Joseph explore the new Dark Universe, past inspirations to alternate approaches. Mickey is sent to gather…materials. Mole People not included.
The Gents explore the myriad incarnations of Kong, from the 20’s through Toho to Skull Island. Other Kaiju included. See podcast for details.
The Gents list out their favorite must-sees of horror, fantasy, science fiction and action films from the 80’s. Lively discussion, a confession post-credits, and proof that they can’t count as this list is about 52 films long. JuJuBes not Included.