The Gents are back! After being snapped away by Thanos, the Gents triumphantly return with this massive 2-parter, almost as long as Avengers:Endgame itself!

The Gents are back! After being snapped away by Thanos, the Gents triumphantly return with this massive 2-parter, almost as long as Avengers:Endgame itself!
In their blockbuster, Holofoil, die-cut 75th Spectacular Episode, the Gents pay tribute to the only icon of comics large enough for such a milestone: Stan Lee, architect of a million youths. ‘Nuff Said.
The Gents sit down and discuss Star Trek over Romu-No, not that one, the earlier one. No, earlier. The one with the goofy aliens. No, the other one with the goofy aliens. The one that is the reason all Star Trek fans should thank their lucky stars for Lucille Ball. Yeah, that one. And the movies, the cartoon, and the rest of that beautiful, Shatner-lovin’ nonsense.
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, close bosom-friend of the maturing sun, conspiring with him how to load and bless with forgotten film, the dark corners that round the thatch-eves run. The Gents discuss, in the spirit of the season, horror films they have loved, but which may have missed your lists, as gathering swallows titter in the skies. (With all due respect to Keats).
Well, it’s been a little while, and the actor who played Ben went through puberty so we had to replace him, but you’ll scarcely notice once the whole thing gets rolling. The Gents are talking about the finest Fantastic Four sequel ever filmed, Incredibles 2.
The Gents talk Solo: A Star Wars Story, and what it means to be a prequel to a sequel about the formative years of a man who recently died at the hands of another sequel, and why it’s OK for our fun summer movies not to be “necessary.”
Part two of the Gents’s delve into the rich vein of confused nerd-rage/delight that is Avengers: Infinity War. How can a movie so good make eight-year-old me so mad? All this, plus Mark will go ahead and spoil 2019’s Avengers: Everybody was Skrulls.
Part one of an epic two-part episode discussing the nuance and finery that is the first half of Avengers: Infinity War.
Nuance is code for spoilers.
In this episode, the Gents all share favorite hidden references and call-outs in various media
Fun Fact: Some people hide boiled eggs and egg-shaped treats in their homes, yards, and public parks. This is believed by many to be the origin of the term “Easter Eggs.” That, or some cockamamie story about Rocky Horror Picture Show. Either way.