The Gents spin tales of Spiderman adaptations over the years, from Electric Company to Homecoming. Aaron proclaims his unabashed love of Venom. Deadpool not included.

The Gents spin tales of Spiderman adaptations over the years, from Electric Company to Homecoming. Aaron proclaims his unabashed love of Venom. Deadpool not included.
The Gents delve into all things Planet of the Apes, from the films to the book to the shows to the toys. Astronauts included.
Mark, Aaron and Joseph explore the new Dark Universe, past inspirations to alternate approaches. Mickey is sent to gather…materials. Mole People not included.
A chat about the Wonder Woman film, the good, the bad, and the bold. What it means for the future of DC and the MCU, and, somehow the new Dark Universe. Invisible Jet not included.
The Gents each present one good and one bad film adaptation to discuss the merits and pitfalls of bringing a novel or game to the big screen. Nicolas Cage not included.
The Gents discuss lifestages of Groot, Stan Lee, family issues, music and the future of the series. Pina Colada not included.
The Gents discuss diversity in film and comics, the internet hate machine, and knowing what you write. Brett Ratner action figure included.
The Gents explore the myriad incarnations of Kong, from the 20’s through Toho to Skull Island. Other Kaiju included. See podcast for details.
The Gents sift through adaptations of the classic novel, from trippy 70’s attempts to the new film on the horizon. Video Games, Anime, Logan and Blade Runner wind up in the mix. Thumpers not included.
The Gents discuss Legos, from the original basic bricks to the massive sets to the games and movies. Lego Aaron is created. Human Aaron not included.