The Gents record a live panel with Tex Thompson and audience participation as an open letter to Hollywood on what they should and should not do to keep our love. The “Chrispiracy” is exposed.

The Gents record a live panel with Tex Thompson and audience participation as an open letter to Hollywood on what they should and should not do to keep our love. The “Chrispiracy” is exposed.
The Gents mourn the death of cool and the crass commercialization of fads. Learn how to get under their skin and what makes their teeth itch. A contest is announced for our fair listeners. Witty episode summary not included.
The tail end of the Summer Blockbusters are discussed, Star Trek Beyond, Suicide Squad, and Strawberry Shortcake Goes to Hell. Aaron Hulks Out at Nerd Rage. Lobo not included.
The Gents delve deep to discover the myths and literary influence on films and games. They may be attacked by Will Ettin and David Lich. Joseph is eaten by a Grue. D20 not included.
The Gents vs a Live Audience…recorded at Armadillocon in Austin, the Funky Four pull secret shames from the audience, shows and movies too cringe-worthy to admit they hold dear. Features Trump as a Harkonnen and roller skating disco muses. Filmed in glorious Armadill-O-Vision.
The Gents are summoned to discuss the work and influence of the great Ray Harryhausen, the man who inspired so many in the SFX field today. Pentapods, Titans, and the Citizen Kane of Cowboy and Dinosaur movies included.
The Gents list out their favorite must-sees of horror, fantasy, science fiction and action films from the 80’s. Lively discussion, a confession post-credits, and proof that they can’t count as this list is about 52 films long. JuJuBes not Included.
Wherein the Gents discuss the effects, positive and negative, of fan feedback on artistic creations on Hollywood, Netflix, and beyond. Topics include Nerd Rage, Geek Hail Marys, fans influencing writing, and whether a robot female Buckaroo Banzai would fly in today’s culture. Vitriolic Misanthropy Not Included.
The Gents get serious about factors threatening the Hollywood Machine, but take an odd turn when they try to design a profitable film themselves.
The Gents divided! They discuss the pros and cons of the new Capt America flick…characters new and old, motivations, and interactions. Science Bros 2.0 included.