..in which the Gents discuss mostly obscure and forgotten favorite toys from yesteryear, complete with swallow-able parts and bizarre-but-fun “what were they thinking?” qualities. Batteries not included.

..in which the Gents discuss mostly obscure and forgotten favorite toys from yesteryear, complete with swallow-able parts and bizarre-but-fun “what were they thinking?” qualities. Batteries not included.
..wherein lies bite size Gents, a short 15 min compilation of various tidbits cut from the first four podcasts, such as Flash Gordon costumes, Texas Polar Bears, how lucky the audience is that these guys aren’t singing their theme song, and trying to run starship Artemis. Attention span not included.
..in which the Gents discuss adapting comics to television and film. From Jessica Jones to Powers, from Dawn of Justice to The Middleman, no corner of The City is safe from the scourge that are The Gentlemen Nerds. (Shawarma not included.)
..wherein the gents discuss old and new Star Wars films and paraphernalia, directors and writers, Palpatine’s Last Will & Testament, serenading movie posters, dancing Tusken Raiders, and whether Han can actually tell Wookies apart. Lens flares not included.
..in which the Gents discuss that most special time of the year….Halloween. Costumes, urban legends, and special effects. Silver Shamrock masks not included.
…in which the Gents bump back at the Things that go Bump in the Night. Horror movies new and old are discussed, including ones rarely known. Necronomicon not included.