The Gentlemen Nerds

Browsing Category Television

Comics / Hollywood / Movies / Pop Culture / Sci-fi / Television

Ep 75. Giant-Size Stan Thing

In their blockbuster, Holofoil, die-cut 75th Spectacular Episode, the Gents pay tribute to the only icon of comics large enough for such a milestone: Stan Lee, architect of a million youths. ‘Nuff Said.


The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 75. Giant-Size Stan Thing
Movies / Podcast / Sci-fi / Star Trek / Television

Ep 74. What We Talk About When We Talk About Star Trek

The Gents sit down and discuss Star Trek over Romu-No, not that one, the earlier one. No, earlier. The one with the goofy aliens. No, the other one with the goofy aliens. The one that is the reason all Star Trek fans should thank their lucky stars for Lucille Ball. Yeah, that one. And the movies, the cartoon, and the rest of that beautiful, Shatner-lovin’ nonsense.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 74. What We Talk About When We Talk About Star Trek
Hollywood / Podcast / Sci-fi / Television

Ep 66. Tripping The Wax Nostalgic

The Gents talk about favorite forgotten TV gems from days of yore (and not so yore) and the state of the Cult Classic in the Age of Universal Ubiquity of Knowledge.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 66. Tripping The Wax Nostalgic
Games / Hollywood / Movies / Podcast / Pop Culture / Television / Video Games

Ep 61. A Gentler Award

The Gents discuss the best new-to-us media from 2017, no matter what year it came out. Not like certain award shows we could name, with their elitist, “no old stuff” attitude.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 61. A Gentler Award
Comics / Hollywood / Podcast / Television

Ep 58. A Toast To Dr. Martin

The Gentlemen Nerds discuss favorite black characters in all media with DoubleToasted’s own Martin Thomas, in honor of the beginning of Black History Month. Emotional Touchstone not included.

Fun Fact: Falcon was in South America because his plane crashed on Exile Island, on the way to Rio de Janiero. Don’t let Mark forget it.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 58. A Toast To Dr. Martin
Movies / Music / Podcast / Television

Ep 57. Lounge Singers

The Gents have a spirited round-robin discussion of film and television music that they still find themselves remembering, humming, and then breaking out into full-throated song. Only sometimes to the detriment of anyone in earshot.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 57. Lounge Singers
Hollywood / Movies / Podcast / Television

Ep 47. Gibbering Gents

The Freaky Four crack open what it means to “be Lovecraftian” with a history lesson, discussion of tone, and movie recs.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 47. Gibbering Gents
Fantasy / Game of Thrones / Podcast / Pop Culture / Television

Ep 46. Stop Dragon My Wight Around

The Gents venture back to Westeros to look into the storytelling, characters, and fast travel, as well as make predictions for next season. Bronn, Hound, and Gendry included.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 46. Stop Dragon My Wight Around
Podcast / Television

Ep 45. TV Genre Guide​-​ The Resurrection (Live At Armadillocon)

The Gents comb the audience for classic yet obscure genre shows to reboot and fill their nightly lineup. Rabbit ears not included.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 45. TV Genre Guide​-​ The Resurrection (Live At Armadillocon)
Movies / Podcast / Pop Culture / Television

Ep 22. Guilty Pleasures – Live at Armadillocon

The Gents vs a Live Audience…recorded at Armadillocon in Austin, the Funky Four pull secret shames from the audience, shows and movies too cringe-worthy to admit they hold dear. Features Trump as a Harkonnen and roller skating disco muses. Filmed in glorious Armadill-O-Vision.

The Gentlemen Nerds
The Gentlemen Nerds
Ep 22. Guilty Pleasures - Live at Armadillocon